After weeks of rain, Alaska decided to bring out the sun in full force for Alexis’ senior session! Not gonna lie, I (Hanna) was a little nervous looking up at the cloudless, blazing midday sun. Those of you familiar with photography know that harsh light is in fact a very harsh, mean girl. She is just the rudest. Skin tones get washed out, client’s struggle and squint, contrasty shadows are relentless and unflattering. You have to be extremely intentional about how and why and what direction you shoot in. And if you really want to go for the gold, might as well shoot on a white mud strip and against an iceberg lake to amp up the reflective glare even more! LOL!
Suffice to say, it was so bright I literally couldn’t see a darn thing on my camera. At one point I quit even trying to look at image playbacks and just decided to trust my gut. I’ve been doing this a long time, after all. Better count for something! And it must have, because later when each image populated on my computer screen, I kept high-fivin’ the air as if we won the photo lottery.
Gosh, I love this set. The plane was pretty cool and I’m never going to complain about icebergs. But the real star of the show was Alexis. She was literally glowing! I mean the whole time ear-to-ear smiling, the kind that makes your face hurt you are so happy. She was beautiful, bold, completely joyful, animated, adventurous, and just so much fun. But don’t take my word for it…check out the pics!