Dear Gideon,
I named you Gideon because it was the strongest and bravest name I could think of. It means mighty warrior and man of valor. I always loved the Bible story of Gideon, the reluctant leader. He questioned his own ability and worthiness to lead his people to victory, but heard the voice of the Lord and bravely obeyed despite his own fear. He led only 300 men against the entire Midianite army, an impossible feat. The night of battle, Gideon gave each man a trumpet and a torch concealed inside a pottery jar. At his signal, they blew their trumpets, broke the jars to reveal the torches, and shouted: “A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!” They defeated their enemy against all odds, with the help of the Lord.
A few days back I pulled into the driveway to find the hood of your truck popped open. You were barefoot, t-shirt and dirty jeans, leaning over the engine, muscled arms deep in a puzzle of hoses and wires. At first glance I actually thought you were dad, but then you turned and smiled at me with that boyish grin that has always made my heart do backflips. It caught me off guard somehow, the sight of you looking so manly and grown and stinking adorable.
I sat a few minutes in my car and just watched you. Reveled. Wondered things like where the time has gone and how it’s even possible that this is your last year in my home? Have I taught you enough? Is your foundation firm? Are you ready? Like really, really ready? Life throws a lot of curveballs, you’ll see. And gosh, I have made SO many mistakes along the way and wonder if I’ve done this parenting thing well enough. The mom in me starts to panic. But then I remember who you are. And my dear son, you have already lived up to your name.
You are a dreamer, a doer. You are brave and not scared to stand out or go against the grain. You’ve been a leader from the start. In pretty much every scenario that I can think of in the last 17 years, you have always managed to rise in position and lead the pack, whether at school, home or otherwise! You are one of the hardest workers, faithful to your commitments and to your friends. I’ve watched you overcome many difficult hurdles, become a public speaker (say what?!), a motivator, and most of all, into a man who loves the Lord. The truth is, I don’t know that any of us are actually ever ready for all of life’s curveballs, and you will certainly make mistakes along the way. But you have a good head on your shoulders, you know where to run, you know when to be humble and bend your knee, and I believe you will defy the odds in your own life, as Gideon did: with the help of the Lord.
I hope this last year, your senior year, is absolutely amazing. I hope it’s the perfect launchpad into what comes next. It has always been my honor to be your mother. It’s my deepest pride and joy. I love you Gideon, man of valor.
P.S. I smiled from ear-to-ear the entire time I took these photos and cried through all the edits. Thanks for being so much fun to adventure with. I’ll treasure these forever.

I cried too. Such a lovely tribute in words and photos. Hood job mom and Gideon
Aw, thank you so much!