I guess you could say that we easily bore and thrive when dealing with the unexpected. Which is why photography is our jam! Sessions always keep us on our toes. No two are ever the same. Lighting, weather, location, scenery, outfits, personalities…they are all key ingredients and we never really know how it will all turn out until we combine all the variables into a brand new concoction.
This year when the opportunity popped up to shoot our fall event at a venue we have never even been to, we pounced on it. We love trying new things, meeting new people and creating something beautiful from whatever happens to be on hand. Briarwood Farms is traditionally a wedding venue in Sutton and it did not disappoint!! There was so much to work with and we loved shooting somewhere new. (PS. If you are looking for a cool venue for your wedding check it out! River, the owner, is THE NICEST. And her property is pretty incredible) Click here to check out their website: https://briarwoodfarmak.com/ In addition to a sweet venue, the talented Autumn Pease helped with hair and makeup to make it an extra special experience. Autumn owns the Beauty School in Wasilla and is amazing! Check her site out here: https://www.thebeautyschoolalaska.com/
Despite all the fun we had, Alaska was in a mood and decided to eventually dump rain, leading over half of our bookings to reschedule on alternate dates and locations. Oh well! More dancing on shifting carpets. But it was fun while it lasted, and we are thinking that maybe we will have to make it an annual hurrah! Here are just a few of the photos from our first afternoon at the venue. Can’t wait to go back.